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Getting started on evidence collection

Image: Topic Groups get started on evidence collection at volunteer launch workshop

Over June and July, we spent time organising and getting things into place to enable us to be fully prepared to commence the review of the Warminster Neighbourhood Plan.

In June, we successfully applied for a grant of £10,000 from Locality (the Government’s Neighbourhood Planning funding body) which we can now use to support the review of our Neighbourhood Plan.

We have now appointed our Steering Group and Topic Groups, who will be overseeing the review of the Neighbourhood Plan and updating evidence on specific topics. The scope of work for the Topic Groups is informed by our first stage of work and feedback from our launch consultation which was carried out in February and March this year.

At the end of July, we kick-started evidence gathering work with an interesting and interactive volunteer launch workshop. The workshop was facilitated by Place Studio who are consultants appointed to support the Town Council with the review of the Neighbourhood Plan. During the workshop, we started reviewing and recording detail on topics such as community facilities, green spaces, biodiversity assets, town centre change and sustainable building techniques.

The outcomes from the workshop form the basis of work to be progressed by the Topic Groups over the next few months. If you would like to find out more, or be part of a Topic Group, please get in touch.

The Steering Group’s first meeting will be held at the end of August. You’ll be able to view minutes from the meeting on this website, when they become available.

What next for the Neighbourhood Plan review?

Over the next few months, we will be continuing to update our evidence and gather new information. This evidence and information will be used to refresh our planning policies, and possibly to draft new ones.

There will be various opportunities to get involved with evidence collection over the next few months. Watch this space!


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