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Questions and Answers

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plans (NP) were introduced in 2011, they empower communities to shape the development and growth of a local area. Once a Neighbourhood Plan is 'made' (or adopted) it has the same weight and strength as the Wiltshire Local Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan cannot block development that is already part of the Local Plan, but it can shape where that development will go and what it will look like.


Why are we reviewing the Plan?

There is no set time period within which a Neighbourhood Plan must be reviewed (it is at least every 5 years for a Local Plan). However, as the Warminster Neighbourhood Plan is now more than 5 years old, and we are seeing updates of the Wiltshire Core Strategy / Local Plan, and national planning policy, together with understanding more about how our current Plan is working in practice, together with changes in local issues and priorities, it was decided by the Town Council that a review was appropriate and necessary.


Why do we need an up-to-date Plan?

In order to make sure our Plan can a continue to be relevant and robust to guide and influence the decision making process about future development in Warminster.


How long will the review take?

This depends on what the Plan includes in the review, but we currently estimate it to take around 2 years.

Who pays for the Plan?

Government grant funding will be used and supplemented Warminster Town Council. Wiltshire Council provides technical advice and practical support, as well as paying for examination and referendum if needed.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local planning authorities to raise funds for infrastructure from new development, to address the cumulative impact of development across an area. Having a 'made' Neighbourhood Plan also means that Wiltshire Council must pass on 25% of CIL, a charge that Wiltshire Council places on new development in their area (and 15% to those places without a NP). Click here to find out more about CIL.


Who will lead on the Plan review?

Warminster Town Council is responsible body, but the process of reviewing the Plan will be lead by a Steering Group of people representing both the Councils and the wider community.


How can I get involved in the Plan?

We will be giving people who live and work in Warminster a range of ways to get involved in the Plan review. Find out more by clicking here.



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